DVBC Weekly Game Schedule


10:00am  Open, Stratified, lesson at 9:30 am  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be May 30
7:15pm  Open, Stratified  Game Results  Game is no longer being held

9:30am  SIRS, Open, 1st Tuesday, by invitation only  Game Results – 
499er, Stratified, Ravi Bhalla directs, optional 9:30am lesson  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be May 31

8:55am  499er, Stratified, Larry Miller directs, lesson at 8:40am  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be June 1
12:30pm  Open, Stratified  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be June 1

9:30am  J&B Game, 999er, Stratified  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be June 2
2:00pm Novice Game (0-99 masterpoints), mini-lesson at 1:45pm.  Trisha O’Connor directs Email Trisha.  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be June 2

10:00am  Open, Stratified  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be June 3
7:15pm  Open, Stratified  Game Results  Game is no longer being held

9:15am  99er, Every Saturday. Lesson at 9:15, game at 9:30am  Game Results – last game at DVBC will be June 4
7:00pm  Open, Stratified, 2nd & 4th Saturday, Wine/Cheese  Game Results – Game is no longer being held